
Provides 2 hours of CE/CME credit
Cost is $35.00*
*This is a web-based course. If you wish to claim your CE/CME credit, please click on the link at the end of this web-based course. For further information regarding claiming your CE/CME credit, please read the information below.

To obtain CE or CME credit for completing this course, please register using the link above ( After completing the course there will be an exam. You must obtain a passing score is 75% or higher. After completing the exam there will be link for you to click on to claim your CME credits.
Certificates will be emailed to the address you provide within 24 hours upon completion of the online post-test/evaluation form. Please check your “junk” or “spam” folder if you do not receive your certificate within the allotted time frame. For questions concerning your certificate, please contact the Office of Continuing Medical Education, University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine at (775) 784-4791 or email
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