After working with ESL students for years, Dr. David Howard, president and CEO of OB-STATS, has noticed consistent trends when editing ESL students’ manuscripts. Because English is one of the most difficult languages to learn, it is no surprise that students whose first language is not English struggle with several of the nuances of writing the language. However, when writing a manuscript for publication, it is important that students submit a grammatically correct document, otherwise, it will be rejected for improper language use. Often times, it is necessary for ESL students to seek editing help after they are finished writing the manuscript. It is helpful to an ESL student for a professional to take a look at the document and check for language errors. Below are a few things that ESL academic writers can do prior to seeking a document editing service to help them master the English language and increase their chances of publication.


Master the Vocabulary

Having limited vocabulary is difficult because all of the content that is written is restricted to vocabulary known by the writer. Even if the writer knows what he or she is trying to express, if the writer can’t think of the proper word, then the content may not be accurately portraying what is intended. Many ESL students find it helpful to vocabulary apps onto their phone so that they can practice whenever they have some extra time in the day. Constant practice is the only way to improve. This goes for learning any language. Other students also find it helpful to keep a personal list of unfamiliar words they come across. Understand the word and then begin using it as soon as possible.

Another tip is to only use vocabulary when you are completely comfortable with It. Simply looking up a definition of a vocabulary word is not enough to be comfortable using it. You have to be able to understand how the word is used in different contexts. Pat close attention to usage examples in the dictionary.

Take Advantage of Institutional Writing Resources

If you’re a student at a university, check to see what kind of resources are available for ESL students. Often, there are several different workshops that take place throughout the semester to give ESL students the opportunity to improve their writing skills. If your university has a writing center, periodically bring pieces of your manuscript in so that an expert can take a look. If you do it one piece at a time, then it won’t be such a big job at the end. These University services are usually free and students find it helpful to simply get another set of eyes on their work.

Read as many peer-reviewed articles as possible

The best way to learn the nuances of English writing is to read as much as possible. The more you read, the more comfortable you will get with unique word ordering and unfamiliar idioms and phrases. Knowing how to structure sentences will begin to feel much more natural. As you read through peer-reviewed articles, we suggest highlighting phrases or sentences that don’t make sense to you. Then, when you have time, ask a native speaker to explain why this English is proper. Most of the time, a native will respond, “it just sounds right.” If this is the case, just recognize that there are not always going to be strict rules for how something is written in English. You won’t always be able to look up why something is the way it is. English is odd in that sense. It’s important to accept that this is the case and sometimes you need to be comfortable with no explanation. Try to repeat common phrases that are unfamiliar as much as possible to get comfortable using the language.

Use a Document Editing Service

Often, nothing can beat paying someone to do a professional job. Friends or university professors may not appreciate you if you continually ask for free favors. Using a document editing service can ensure that the job is done right by people who have experience with editing.

When choosing an editing service, it is best to find an editor who is a reviewer for journals because they know what it takes to get published. While many writers are inclined to use one of the better knows companies such as Editage or Elsevier, choosing one of these can be a bit risky. These services are expensive for what you get and they charge extra for absolutely every single additional request. Also, you don’t even really know who is editing your document.

Connect With OB-STATS

Choosing the editing services offered by OB-STATS gives you a high-quality service at an affordable price. President and CEO of OB-STATS, Dr. David Howard, is passionate about helping researchers because he is one himself. As a reviewer of several OBGYN journals, he understands the publication process well. Researchers who have used OB-STATS’ services feel that their document received special attention and the quality of the document increased dramatically after it was edited. OB-STATS charges $200 for a standard 30-page document which is a fraction of the price of most services. Also, feel free to add on as much as you please, because OB-STATS doesn’t charge extra for ANY additional requests.

Click below to learn more about the OB-STATS editing services. If you’re interested in acquiring their services, fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Remember, journal reviewers have no problem rejecting manuscripts for improper language use. So, do yourself a favor and have your document edited before it goes in for review.


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